Legal Commentary

I filed a Lawsuit. Can I get the Court to stop the Defendant from Taking Certain actions while the Litigation is Pending?
Typically, a court will only issue an order restraining a defendant from engaging in certain conduct at the conclusion of

An Exception to the Merger by Acceptance Provision in a Purchase and Sale Agreement
A standard Purchase and Sale Agreement usually contains the following “Acceptance of Deed” provision that every buyer needs to understand:

What Are the Consequences to an Employer who Fires an Employee but Does Not Pay all Accrued Wages on the Final Day of Employment?
The Massachusetts Wage and Hour Act (“Wage Act”) requires employers, when terminating an employee, to pay all accrued and unpaid

As A Defendant, Can I Require the Plaintiff to File in Federal Court?
With few exceptions, a case that can be filed in federal court also can be filed in state court. The

Is My Company a “Closely-Held” Corporation?
You may have heard of some corporations being referred to as “close” or “closely-held” corporations. Under Massachusetts law, this designation

What are Liquidated Damages and When are they Enforceable?
Many contracts contain a “liquidated damages” clause, under which the parties agree, at the time they sign the contract, to

Security Deposits in Massachusetts – Rules That Every Landlord Needs to Know
Massachusetts General Law Chapter 186, Section 15B is the statute that sets forth the guidelines that a landlord must follow

What Happens if an Attorney-Client Privileged Communication is Inadvertently Disclosed to the Opposing Counsel or Party?
The attorney-client privilege protects from disclosure any communication between a lawyer and the client that are made in confidence for

What is a 30(b)(6) Deposition?
I just received a notice stating that my company will be deposed in accordance with Rule 30(b)(6). What does that